
Friday, February 15, 2008

Flying Casino

How about gambling while you fly? Airbus working on a deal to convert a jet into a flying casino.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Golden Palace Makes a Cameo on Rocky

    It seems like Golden Palace is making a lot less headlines recently.
    The last time I saw any mentioning of Golden Palace was in Rocky 6 as one of the girls that
    hold the sign that indicate the number of round had their logo printed on her stomach.
    This brand made “online gambling” a part of mainstream entertainment,
    making it a recognizable brand name in almost any house hold in the US. However,
    the international crowd, gamblers from France,
    Portugal and Spain for example didn’t know a lot about this casino giant.
    The promotional antics taken by the casino were targeted mostly at an American based audience.
    My point is that with the globalization of online gambling, this Golden Palace has changed the way it markets itself globally,
    hence the Rocky Cameo. This is as mainstream as you can get which is kind of strange for this online casino
    if you have been following their history the past few years.
    Appearing in a Rocky movie which is considered a classic no matter where you go in the world or
    what language you speak can definitely be perceived as an attempt for creating the same brand name recognition,
    where gamblers play online. It doesn’t matter if you are from Poland,
    Germany or
    Denmark; it’s likely that you have seen the latest Stallone installment and noticed the Golden Palace cameo.
