
Friday, April 24, 2009

Odd Lots for the Week Ending 04-24-09: What Others are Saying

The official definition of odd lot is a group of shares amounting to less than 100 shares. For purposes of, it is a group of short articles about what other bloggers and web sites have come up with. It has nothing to do with being 'odd'.


Have you Twitted yet? If not, maybe you should jump on the bandwagon. Twitter grew over 130% in March! That’s just one month.


Speaking of Twitter, the first Twitterer (Tweeter?) arrest was made. An Oklahoma man was arrested for making violent threats against the government on Twitter.


So you thought spam wastes a lot of your time? Spam wastes over 33 billion kilowatt-hours of energy every year, which is enough to power over 2.4 million homes.


Check out this video of the San Francisco Mint in downtown San Francisco being painted with HD projectors. Pretty neat.


The Museum of American Finance in Manhattan has several interesting upcoming events: The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt on April 30, and Women of Wall Street exhibit on June 9.


The German sexindustry has been hit hard by the recession, so senior citizen discounts, rebates and special promotions are popping up in order to stimulate business.



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