
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Delay on Next Free Email Newsletter

Those of my readers who enjoy receiving the free Stockerblog newsletter will experience a little delay. The email service I was using, BenchmarkEmail, canceled my account. Their reason was that I had too many complaints. When I checked the report for my latest email sent a couple weeks ago, I saw I had one complaint as of the day they canceled my account. That's one out of around 1400 subscribers. I called and talked to someone in both their technical support department and their sales support department, but they both said that there was nothing they could do, the decision had been made.

This is a complaint rate of seven one hundreds of a percent, in other words, less than one tenth of one percent. I can't even figure out how I got a complaint, as the only people on the subscription list are the ones who manually enter their email address, then they must confirm when they get the confirmation email. Maybe it was a husband and wife that share an email, and one didn't know the other subscribed. Remember, a complaint isn't an unsubscribe.

Anyway, not to belabor the point, I first have to find a new email service, sort out the emails of the ones who want to continue on the subscription, upload the emails, create my newsletter template, then finally create the next newsletter.

Anyone out there have any suggestions on good email services?

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