
Friday, June 08, 2018

Less Than a Year Ago, I Said Twitter was a Screaming Buy – Was I Right?

Please note that this is a sister publication of WallStreetNewsNetwork ( ) and eventually everything on this site will be transferred over there.

by Fred Fuld III
It was only about ten months ago, on August 2, 2017, that I wrote the article, Why Twitter is a Screaming Buy. I discussed several reasons, including Twitter’s biggest asset (Donald Trump). Also, an extensive coverage of earnings and the lack thereof. I also came up with some suggestions about how Twitter could improve its revenues.
At the time that I wrote the article, the stock was trading for less than $16 a share. It closed at the end of the day at 16.07.  What’s it trading for now? Currently, the stock is up 3%, so far today, trading at 40.94.
What’s the return if you had bought the stock back on August 2? A very respectable 155%! Not bad for a holding period of less than a year.
The bird is flying!!!

Disclosure: Author owns TWTR.

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