
Thursday, March 01, 2007

LunarEclipse Stock Market Indicator

This evening, I was sitting in front of my computer reviewing my last two articles, one about the one-day crashes and the other about the astrologerpredicting the stock market, when a moderate size earthquake occurred. Right after that, I noticed the news about the total lunareclipse coming up this Saturday evening. Then I wondered, is there anything to this placement ofplanets and the stock market (and maybe earthquakes). So I checked the one day crashes against the previouseclipses, and found that aneclipse occurred within 90 days prior to a one day stock market crash. Since there is aneclipse coming up this weekend, what does it mean? Did the one day stock market crash come early, or will there be another one within 90 days? Here is the list of theeclipse dates, the stock market crash dates, the percent drop, and the number of days between theeclipse and the stock market crash.
[Eclipse] [Crash] [% Drop] [# days prior to stock market crash]
10/7/87 10/19/87 -22.6% 12 days
9/16/97 10/27/97 -7.18% 41 days
8/8/98 8/31/98 -6.37% 23 days
1/21/00 4/14/00 -5.65% 84 days
7/16/00 10/12/00 -3.64% 88 days
1/9/01 3/12/01 -4.1% 62 days
7/5/01 9/17/01 -7.13% 74 days
7/5/01 9/20/01 -4.37% 77 days
6/24/02 7/19/02 -4.6% 25 days
3/3/07 ?????

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