
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Book Review: Fast Profits in Hard Times

The book Fast Profits in Hard Times: 10 Secret Strategies to Make You Rich in an Up or Down Economy, by former Money magazine journalist Jordan E. Goodman, is a great book for new investors, small investors and investors who are looking for non-mainstream investment ideas. Chapter 1 covers investing in tax liens, an investment that has always intrigued me but unable to take advantage of because my state and the adjacent states do not offer tax liens. Returns on tax liens can provide returns from 6% to 24%.
Chapter 3 discusses the advantages and disadvantages of income trusts and master limited partnership, and compares and contrasts these two high income investments. Another chapter goes into detail about dividend reinvestment plans [DRIPS], which provide a great opportunity for investors who have limited funds available for investing. He lists ten pages of dividend reinvestment plans which allow the investor to purchase stocks at a discount from their current trading price. The last chapter is called Profit by Doing Nothing.
If you are looking for a book which can give information about investments other than just regular stocks, you should check out Fast Profits in Hard Times.

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