
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3 Free Unnecessary iPhone Apps You Don't Need (but are fun)

The investors that are sitting on the sidelines that have a lot of free time on their hands might want to consider downloading the following three fun apps to their Apple (AAPL) iPhone:

Lie Detector
Yes this is a genuine lie detector "based on the same advanced voice analysis technology used by CIA and FBI." You ask a couple questions of the victim that you know will be answered honestly which establishes a baseline. Then you ask a question that you think might get a lie as a response. If the number you get is much lower than the baseline, then it is probably a line.

3D Fireworks Lite
If you want your own private fireworks show, with the sound effect, download 3D Fireworks Lite.

Last but not least, is the Stun-O-Matic which turns your iPhone into a Taser gun, with buzzing, vibrating, and seeing electric sparks on your screen. (Sorry, it doesn't actually shock.)

To find the above, all you have to do is click on App Store and search by the name of the app.

iPhone owners should also check out Free Stuff for Stock Traders, iPhone Tips for Stock Traders, and Toss your Cookies on Your iPhone.


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