
Monday, March 30, 2009

Bernie Madoff must be the stupidest con man who ever lived

Bernard Madoff will now be featured in a trading card set called the "world's biggest hoaxes, hoodwinks and bamboozles." They will be produced by The Topps Co. Inc. The card set includes Charles Ponzi.

Bernie Madoff must be the stupidest con man who ever lived. The stock market crash last Fall would have been a perfect opportunity for him to say "Sorry, the market turned against us and we were wrongly hedged for the first time ever. Due to margin calls, everything was lost." With the fall of Bear, Lehman, and Merrill, his would have been just another big hedge fund that bit the dust. And he would have gotten away with it. Maybe the one good thing about him was that he was honest at the end.


1 comment:

  1. It's not that he came out and admitted his wrong doing... He wanted it to keep going.

    He was turned in by his own offspring. That's a whole new level of evil.
