
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Free (for now) Retirement Analyzer

On of my readers recently discovered a flaw on the Retirement Analyzer that I created, which is available through Apparently, I had locked part of the worksheet, which prevented users from changing the amount of assets. In addition, the protection had a password. (And to make things worse, I had forgotten the password.) Anyway, the analyzer is now unprotected. I think that some of the previous users discovered a way around the password, by copying the whole worksheet and pasting it into a new blank worksheet.

The reason why I am writing about this is that I am planning on enhancing it, making it more comprehensive and easier to use, and eventually coming up with a RetAnalyzer Pro. So if you have any feedback about any suggestions or changes to the program, please post it to this write-up. Suggestions can include such things as separating the pension income from the Social Security income, have a worksheet to add up all taxable assets and tax free assets, etc.

The basic premise of the program is to determine if you can outlast your money, based on various assumptions. In addition, you can do various worst-case what-ifs, such as high inflation, low investment return, higher retirement expenses, etc.

As I make each change and update, I will post it to the site. For now, the RetAnalyzer Pro program will still cost nothing, nada, zero, zilch, and zip. No login, no request for you email address.

Thanks for you feedback.


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