
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Stock Market and Wall Street Related Videos for the Holidays

Are you looking for a few videos to watch during the holidays? Or maybe you are looking for a great video gift for a friend who is interested in investing and the stock market. Pick up a couple of these interesting videos, a few of which you my not be familiar with.

Limitless is about an author who takes a new drug which causes him to become extremely intelligent  and astute. He becomes a stock trader who turns $12,000 into $3 million in a week.

Wall Street, a classic Wall Street movie starring Michael Douglas.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is the sequel.

Wolf Of Wall Street is the extreme Martin Scorsese movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio, about Jordan Belfort, the infamous pump-and-dumper.

The Wolves of Wall Street is about a Wall Street guy who turns into a werewolf. Not my kind of movie, but if you are into this kind of campy genre...

Startup.Com is an interesting documentary about the rise and fall of, during the dot com boom and bust.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is an expose on the Enron scam, and the people behind it.

Mugshots: Enron - Wall Street Scammers is another good documentary about the Enron crooks.

The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron is a movie, not a documentary about what else, Enron.

Too Big To Fail is a movie about the financial crisis of 2008, starring James Woods.

Unraveled is a documentary about a financial con man.

Inside Job is an Academy Award winning documentary about the financial crisis of 2008, Starring Matt Damon.

The Flaw is a documentary about the credit bubble and economic crash.

The Startup Kids is a doc about the young startup founders of Vimeo, Soundcloud and Dropbox.

Boiler Room is  a movie I really enjoyed, since it is based on a true story and gives insights into how a stock brokerage firm operating as a boiler room works.

Have I missed any? Any investment related movies that you would recommend? If so, enter it in the Comments section.

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