Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What Do Warren Buffett and George Soros Have In Common (besides being successful billionaire traders)?

Both Warren Buffett and George Soros have something in common besides the fact that they are both billionaires and both successful investors and traders. They were born in the month of August. If you want to send a birthday card to any of your favorite traders, you can check out their birthdays below.

Birthdays of Famous Traders

Charlie Munger January 1, 1924
Carlos Slim Helú January 28, 1940
Jim Cramer February 10, 1955
Carl Icahn February 16, 1936
Prince Al-Waleed March 7, 1955
Al Gore March 31, 1948
Bernie Madoff* April 29, 1938
William Ackman May 11, 1966
Michael Price May 17, 1953
T. Boone Pickens May 22, 1928
Eddie Lampert July 19 1962
George Soros August 12, 1930
Warren Buffett August 30, 1930
Bill Gates October 28, 1955
Joel Greenblatt December 13, 1957


* Can Madoff be considered a trader?

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