Friday, April 16, 2010

A New Very High Priced Stock

I love researching extremely high priced shares of stock. And I'm not just talking about the company founded by Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK-A), the stock that currently trades for way over $100,000 a share. has an extensive report on high priced stocks, and one of the striking things that I noticed was that three of the highest priced shares are California companies, Mechanics Bank (MCHB.OB), Farmers & Merchants Bank of Long Beach (FMBL.OB), and Sunwest Bank (SWBC.OB). Leave it to California to stand out.

But now there is another stock that has joined the 'Over $1000 Share' club. The stock is PVC Container Corporation (PVCO.PK), a manufacturer of molded plastic bottles and containers made from high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate and polyvinyl chloride. The company has two wholly owned subsidiaries, Novapak Corporation and Airopak Corporation, which handle the marketing of its products.

Back on January 15 of this year, the stock was trading at $510 per share. The stock's last trading price was $7,000 per share. Cash flow was $1,656.53 per share for the last 12 months, up from $106.25 the previous year.


As I was doing research for this article, I discovered a couple more extremely high priced shares. There is Sterling Sugars (STSU.PK) at $19,300 a share. And American Bank Holdings (ABKH.OB) at $9,600 per share. ACAP Corp. (ACPC.PK) at $4,350. Also the telecom company LICT Corporation (LICT.PK) at $2,575.


Even though I like researching these stocks, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are good investments. As a matter of fact, I recommend that you stay away from these stocks, as most have extremely low liquidity. You are lucky if you see some of these trade more than once a week. But if you like reading about them, has an article on additional high priced shares.

Author does not own any of the above.


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